Nextcast Zone
Nextcast Zone Belly The Nextcast Zone are excellent shooting heads for fishing smaller waters with little space, especially when you need to cast heavy sink tips and large flies. We have tested the Nextcast Zone ourselves extremely successfully when salmon...
96,95 €
Guideline 4D Body
GUIDELINE 4D Multi Tip Belly The 4D bellies are based on a double density configuration, which is even reflected in the floating version, where we have used a "smooth" density transition to improve performance and turnover even more than would...
99,95 €
Guideline 4D Compact Body
Guideline 4D Compact Body Das Guideline 4D Compact Multi Tip System ist ein modernes und vielseitige Schusskopfsystem, das ultimative Kontrolle und Präzision beim Werfen bietet. Egal, ob Sie auf der Suche nach einem umfassenden Set an Schussköpfen und Spitzen sind...
99,95 €
Nextcast Salar Finder 40 Belly
Nextcast Salar Finder 40 Belly In our opinion, the Nextcast shooting heads are among the best two-hand shooting heads currently available on the market. The powerful taper with extra weight at the rear end ensures that these shooting heads are...
99,95 €
Nextcast Trout Finder
Nextcast Trout Zone Nextcast Trout Zone lines are specially designed for fishing small, narrow rivers for salmon and sea trout. They are perfect for fishing the smaller Danish floodplains with a single-handed rod or switch rod. Due to the special...
89,95 €
Scientific Anglers Headway Belly
Two years ago, Flyfish Europe came up with the idea of developing a new shooting head system for two-handed fishing. To gain further insight into the Scandinavian market and the needs of Scandinavian salmon fishermen, a number of Scandinavian fly...
84,95 €
Rio Scandi Body
Rio Scandi Body The matching body for the Rio Scandi versiTip system. With a length of 7m and a tapered end, this shooting head perfectly combines the properties of Skagit and Scandi lines. The Rio Scandi Body must be...
74,95 €
Airflo Skagit F.I.S.T. Belly
Floating. Intermediate. Sink 3. Die Comp F.I.S.T. fischt aufgrund ihrer dreifachen Dichtekonstruktion tiefer und langsamer als andere Skagitschnüre. Und sie fischt mit der Spitze nach unten in der Wassersäule - so entsteht eine gerade Linie von der Rutenspitze zur Fliege....
64,95 €
Rio Intouch Skagit Max Game Changer Belly
Rio Intouch Skagit Max Game Changer Shooting Head The Skagit Game Changer Shooting Head is incredibly easy to cast, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced fishermen alike. Due to the subdivision into four different sink rates, the fly...
69,95 €