Riverge Grand Max Fluorocarbon 25m
Riverge Grand Max Fluorocarbon 25m We have tried many different fluorocarbon materials over the years, but our experience shows that the classic Riverge Grand Max Fluorocarbon 25m is the best tippet material on the market. It offers excellent knot strength...
13,95 €
Stroft GTM Tippet 25m
Stroft GTM Tippet 25m leader material.
Stroft GTM has stood the test of time over decades and in our opinion is still one of, if not the best, nylon materials for fly fishermen.
3,30 €
Orvis Mirage Fluorocarbon Tippet Material 30m
Orvis Mirage Fluorocarbon Tippet - Vorfachmaterial für höchste Ansprüche Das Orvis Orvis Mirage Fluorocarbon Tippet Material ist eines der besten auf dem Markt verfügbaren Vorfachmaterialien für Fliegenfischer. Es ist äußerst abriebfest, hat eine sehr hohe Knotentragkraft und genug Steifigkeit um auch große...
17,95 €
13,95 €
Maxima Ultragreen Tippet 25m
Maxima hooklength material has long been known among experienced anglers and fly fishers. The special thing is that their high abrasion resistance and knot strength remain even after intensive use. This makes it perfect for salmon fishing and saltwater fishing....
3,50 €
Stroft FC1 25m Fluorocarbon Tippet
A fluorocarbon leader material with a particularly high breaking strain. The FC1 was explicitly developed by Stroft as a leader material with a special focus on knot strength, abrasion resistance and the right stiffness. diameter carrying capacity 0,22 mm 4,1...
16,10 €
Vision Wire Line
This soft, plastic-coated steel leader is designed for pike, barracuda and other predatory fish. It is easily wrapped with a melted loop or tied with a regular clinch knot. The 6 meter spool is sufficient for several leaders. There are...
16,95 €
Knot2Kinky Nickel Titanium Leader Wire
Knot2Kinky Nickel Titanium Leader Wire - Eindrähtiges Stahlvorfach Das Knot2Kinky Stahlvorfach aus einem Strang Nickel-Titan-Legierung gehört unter versierten Hechtfischern zur ersten Wahl. Es lässt sich gut knoten und ist äußerst robust und langlebig. Insbesondere als Fliegenfischer hat man oft das...
16,95 €
Rio Wire Bite
Rio Wire Bite knotbares Stahlvorfach
The Rio Wire Bite is an easy-to-knot steel leader specifically designed for fly fishing. The particularly soft material is coated with plastic and is very easy to knot.
21,95 €
Stroft NiTi Polywire
Das Stroft NiTi Polywire ist ein fantastisches Stahlvorfach, dass sich leicht knoten lässt und den scharfen Zähnen von Hecht und anderen Raubfischen standhält.
18,95 €
Rio Saltwater Fluoroflex Tippet
Rio Saltwater Fluoroflex - Fluorocarbon leader material for fly fishing in saltwater
Tough, supple fluorocarbon specifically designed for saltwater fishing.
carrying capacity
60lb (30kg)
80lb (40kg)
0,762 mm
39,95 €
Stroft FC2 25m Fluorocarbon Tippet
A leader material that is similar in strength to the Stroft FC1 and is significantly cheaper. Compared to the FC1, the Stroft FC2 has a slightly lower knot strength, but the other properties are comparable. diameter carrying capacity 0,22 mm...
8,10 €