Tubes & Accessories
Tubes & Accessories
Future Fly Predator Cone Heads
Future Fly Predator Cone Heads These large Coneheads are perfect, if you are looking to tie large pike or saltwater flies on tubes. They come in 10 different colors and are designed to perfectly the Future Fly Predator tubes. Details...
4,95 €
FF Stainless Steel Tubes
- Silber
FF Stainless Steel Tubes sind perfekt für Fliegen mit schlankem Körper. Einige der besten Seatrout Fliegen werden auf diesen Röhren hergestellt.
4,95 €
FRÖDINFLIES FITS Original Tubing The original tubing that Mikael Frödin and Håkan Norling have used since the early 80’s. This is the tubing that changed the use and looks of tube flies forever. It’s adapted to all kinds of...
4,95 €
Stenzel Tungsten Tubes
- Silber
Diese ultraschweren Tungsten Tuben sind ideal, um schwere, kleine Tuben zu binden, die direkt runtergehen und in der richtigen Tiefe fischen. In jeder Tüte sin 10 Tungsten Tuben + 10 Kunststoffröhrchen. Länge Gewicht 6mm 0,5g 9mm 0,85g 12mm 1,2g ...
5,95 €
FRÖDINFLIES FITS FITS Tungsten Turbo Cones This is a further development on the original turbo cone. Mikael’s idea on a cone that uses simple physic laws to make the fly swim better than anything ever seen before. The unique...
6,95 €
FRÖDINFLIES FITS Tungsten 1/2 Turbo Cones
FRÖDINFLIES FITS Tungsten 1/2 Turbo Cones The FITS 1/2 turbo is a cone that has been on the market some time now. These are the cones that are on our very popular "Classic Series" of flies. The old ones...
9,95 €
FRÖDINFLIES FITS Tungsten Turbo Tubes
FRÖDINFLIES FITS Tungsten Turbo Tubes Another revolutionary fly tying product from Mikael. The TTT can be used in several different ways. Central is the high specific weight and a design that opens up soft materials without collapsing – all...
9,95 €